by Ryan Kring | Jan 16, 2018 | Ancon News

South Bend, New Carlisle, Mishawaka, Plymouth, Goshen, Elkhart, Bristol, Middlebury, Bremen, Niles, Nappanee
Matt VanSoest serves as designer for Ancon Construction. Matt is a Ball State grad where he earned his Bachelor of Architecture in 2008 and his MA Architecture in 2010 with a concentration in Educational Architecture and Urban Design.

As a designer for Ancon Construction Matt prides himself on listening to the owner’s specific needs to develop early concept building concepts and unique design ideas. Matt uses the latest CAD software to prepare renderings including site feasibility plans, site plans, floor plans, elevations, details and utilizes 3D computer modeling to help our customers visualize their project. Matt works in partnership with our project managers and estimators during the pricing phase to provide alternative details and value engineering to keep the project on budget and reduce change orders. Another part of Matt’s job that is seldom mentioned but plays a crucial role in the success of a project is performing building code reviews. By starting a project knowing the requirements it makes the project much smoother through final construction documents and state/local permit submittal processes. Matt has over 12 years of experience in the construction industry and has been with Ancon since 2006. In 2008 Matt was able to implement many design principles from his participation in a three year research initiative at Ball State into a state-of-the art charter school project in South Bend, IN. Other notable projects include a 100,000 square foot lean designed trailer manufacturing company, Inovateus Solar, multiple church projects and a large regional science center with an added children’s museum component. The picture to the left shows Matt engaged in some 3D modeling for a client and the pic on the right shows some of the foam board models Matt builds by hand to help clients better visualize their project.
Matt is married with one child and a second on the way. When not in design mode Matt is active in our community serving with YPN (Young Professionals Network) of Elkhart County, Chamber of Commerce, Bremen Kwanis Club and member of the Indiana Redevelopment Commission (Bremen). Outside of work and service Matt enjoys spending time with family at their lake house and cheering on Notre Dame and Ball State
We are proud to have Matt on our team.
by Ryan Kring | Aug 4, 2017 | Ancon News

Stock Photo Due To Client Privacy Request
August 8, 2017-South Bend, IN
Ancon Construction, premier design|build construction firm, announces another high tech robotics clean room project is underway. Ancon served as the architect and builder for this project. Our architectural team collaborated with our client’s engineering team to design a space that is functional, takes into consideration future growth, satisfies HVAC/Humidity/Dust requirements and is aesthetically pleasing.
Our client is a large manufacturing company in South Bend and has asked to remain nameless due to the competitive industry they work in. Our team was able to identify various value engineering options to save on cost and brought a team of engineer’s vision to reality. Often times, when working with a larger team a unified vision can be hard to accomplish. Ancon’s design|build process served to bridge that gap and bring their team together. Our outside perspective brought clarity and moved the project along 30%-40% faster versus their in-house traditional method.

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Design has been finished and construction is estimated to take 8 weeks. In addition to this project, we are also working with Lippert Components on a clean room project as well.
Ready to start your project? Contact us HERE. Let’s get your project started….together.
by Ryan Kring | Nov 10, 2016 | Ancon News

Day 1 Of Demo Underway!
In addition to new construction and renovation we also specialize in tenant improvement (TI) also known as tenant build out. Our demo crew is working on the first of over 50 new workout locations planned for Indiana and southern Michigan. The first location for our new fitness client takes us down to Logansport, IN where we are demoing an 8,000 sqft retail space and re-building to meet our client’s national construction and brand specs. The picture shown was taken after our first day of demo!
Working with national brands and ensuring compliance takes a construction firm with experience. We have worked with many Fortune 500 companies and their construction/brand standards over the years and excel at exceeding their requirements. Our success is based on having licensed in house architects, experienced project managers and dedicated construction crews. Combined with the way we communicate and constantly update our clients, national brands prefer to use ANCON Construction when their business or franchise comes into our region. Who is the new fitness chain you ask? You will have to follow us as we update the project right up until opening day!